
total internal reflection





我知道一定要符合「angle of incidence > critical angle」和「light travels from optically denser to optically less dense medium」才會有total internal reflection出現。for example, the angle of incidence is 30, it is from glass to air, then I can calculate it's refraction is 48.6. The light travels from denser to less dense... 顯示更多 我知道一定要符合「angle of incidence > critical angle」和「light travels from optically denser to optically less dense medium」才會有total internal reflection出現。for example, the angle of incidence is 30, it is from glass to air, then I can calculate it's refraction is 48.6. The light travels from denser to less dense medium, but it's angle of incidence isn't > critical angle, 那仍可以有reflection出現嗎?


Total internal reflection means that 100% of light will reflect back. But, during reflection (either from optically denser medium or optically less dense medium), there will be some light reflect back. The percentage of reflect back can be caculate by Fresnel equation. More detail may look at this website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresnel_equations 2008-02-29 14:26:33 補充: The graph on the website means that % of light reflect form total internal reflection. It can also caculate the % of light ray refect in your question: Let the n of glass be 1.5 then r= 48.59038 (snell's law) Sn=10.57727911% it means there is about 10% of light ray will reflect


當然可以有reflection出現啦!! 只是reflect到小部分的光!!而不是全部!! 隨著 angle of incidence 慢慢增加..愈接近critical angle..reflect的光就愈多!!直到critical angle..就all光都reflect~

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