


我是2012年的DSE考生 DSE成績:中lv1,英lv2,數lv5*,通識lv2,m2 lv5**(即數學延伸部分代數與微積分),phy lv5 1.我想問出國留學(英語為官方語言的地方)只有50-60萬港幣有沒有大學/先修課程可以讀?我願意邊工作邊留學! 我希望學好英文....還有去外國好像是不看中文成績,我中文不合格,故有去英語為官方語言的地方留學的想法 2.我還想知道在內地和台灣升讀的要求/費用是什麼?


圖片參考:http://imgcld.yimg.com/8/n/HA01069817/o/701207230043913873412940.jpg 單位:新台幣元 院 系 別公 立私 立醫 學 系38,380~39,56059,317~72,500牙 醫 學 系35,080~36,17065,115~65,425醫學院(除醫牙學系外各系)27,880~31,05046,577~58,200工 學 院24,320~29,49044,307~56,914理 農 學 院22,721~29,26048,470~56,000商 學 院21,110~28,74038,528~49,252文 、 法 學 院20,200~25,23041,890~50,510 備註:一、上述各學院系之學雜費收費金額以學院為大分類,若干學校同一學院不同學系有不同之收費。二、本表僅供參考,實際收費金額以各校院系別公告為準。 出國和台灣留學費用上述非常清楚,你自己衡量家庭負擔能力。建議參加明年的港澳臺聯招,到內地讀大學,選一些有2+2或3+1或4+1的大學(即:兩年內地,兩年歐美、澳、星、加,海外和內地雙學位證書。或是3年內地加一年海外或4年內地一年海外碩士)。這樣你在內地讀書節省的金錢可以到海外使用。內地一般專業每年學費5000元人民幣,國際學院(全英語授課)15000元,醫科10000元,一年住宿費1000元人民幣。由學校途徑到海外留學學費有優惠,每年學費和生活費約25萬港幣。強烈建議你讀內地大學國際學院內專業。請考慮讀一年聯招預備班。 祝你心想事成! 內地升學問題可到我的BLOG了解:http://blog.yahoo.com/_ZD6DO6CR23HRPDQZE6CHATCJ5E/articles/page/1 2012-07-23 19:03:17 補充: 唔好意思,貼錯圖片,世界各地大學留學費用,詳見:http://blog.yahoo.com/_ZD6DO6CR23HRPDQZE6CHATCJ5E/articles/179316/index 2012-07-23 23:15:02 補充: 九成學歷獲港認可 內地領先英美澳加 http://blog.yahoo.com/_ZD6DO6CR23HRPDQZE6CHATCJ5E/articles/619724/index 2012-07-31 13:13:38 補充: 建議你參加:63所內地大學免試招生補充錄取說明會 http://www.chinaeduguide.edu.hk/event.php?id=E00282





First of all, i'm rude but i have to say that your English level isn't that good, yet you can replace it with IELTS/TOEFL (to be honest it's a must for you to take IELTS/TOEFL) now let me answer your question: 1. 500-600k <-- for the whole academic course or just for 1 year? if it's for like 4-5 years of study, please go to Canada if it's for 1 year only, you can go everywhere -.- University: US Community Colleges (go for agents, they have LOADS for you to choose from) some of them also organize English supplementary courses for students whose language level hasn't reached their requirement you can study the first two years of Bachelor degree, which is general studies-same in all universities, then you can transfer to Year 3 in some prestigious universities eg. John hopkins/princeton/washington station/washinton etc. Foundation: UK: bellerbys, kings, International study centre, INTO, kaplan, foundationcampus, navitas and some universities who organize foundation course themselves Australia: navitas and some others i forgot (sorry ._.) you study year 0, and then gain 60-70% in the course, then you are guaranteed a bachelor degree in the partner universities 2. China: heard that there is sth called 港澳台聯招試 and 免試錄取計劃 Taiwan: https://sites.google.com/a/ncnu.edu.tw/overseas/index/news/xuequn not too much info for mainland and taiwan, coz i haven't got as much info in hand as those in the upper deck

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