沒有智能身份證可否拎6000 蚊?
我在香港長大, 有銀行戶口. 現在於美國進修,有綠咭, 一直未回港換智能身份證. 原本打算明年6月畢業後回港先換身份證&拎6000 蚊, 但聽說雖然明年12月才停止申請, 但一定要3月31日前有智能身份證才有資格. 1. 如果要在6月才可以回港, 是否就不能拎6000 蚊? 2. 可不可以申請延期? 更新: Holders of identity cards issued before 23 June 2003 (i.e. old identity cards) meet the eligibility criteria and may register under “Scheme $6,000”, if they apply for the replacement of their identity cards at any Registration of Persons Offices on or before the eligibility date (i.e. 31 March 2012 更新 2: The above quote is from www.fstb.gov.hk/tb/eng/scheme6000/faq.html
You misunderstand the whole issue. 1. March 31 deadline is for the purpose of qualifying $6000 based on your residency. In other word, you must be a Permanent Resident on or before March 31 in order to qualify. 2. Having an old-styled ID does not prelude you from getting the money. But you will need to get a new ID before you can request. 3. There is no deadline to request $6000.
你誤解了整個問題。1 。3月31日的截止日期是為符合條件的6000美元,根據您的居住目的 。換句話說,你必須是一個永久居民3月31日或之前,以便有資格2 。有一個舊式的ID不拿到錢的序幕 。但你需要得到一個新的ID,然後才可以要求3 。有沒有最後期限的請求$ 6000。