請各位英文高手幫下我! MC cloze
1. The dogs she leaves behind at the kennels are destroyed ______ four days. A:during B:within2. Since it is difficult to find new homes for such a large number of abandoned dogs, at least 35,000 of them get _____ down. A:run B:put C:taken D:shut3.... 顯示更多 1. The dogs she leaves behind at the kennels are destroyed ______ four days. A:during B:within 2. Since it is difficult to find new homes for such a large number of abandoned dogs, at least 35,000 of them get _____ down. A:run B:put C:taken D:shut 3. This responsibility becomes even greater ______ your pet becomes sick. A:while B:if 唔該加埋解釋. Thank you!
1. The dogs she leaves behind at the kennels are destroyed within four days. "During" is impossible for the answer, since the destructure will finish in only a short period of time, but not for the whole four days. 2. Since it is difficult to find new homes for such a large number of abandoned dogs, at least 35,000 of them get run down. Shut down:停工; Taken down:記下/被病倒; Put down:放下/批評; Run down:追尋/撞倒[tick] 3. This responsibility becomes even greater while your pet becomes sick. "if" is not the correct answer because if the answer is "if", the first clause will has a future tense,
請問可唔可以解釋一下你既答案呀? Thx~ 2010-01-18 21:36:08 補充: 頭先check左put down原來有destroy既意思~ 咁第3個答案點解呢??|||||樓上個位好心你英文差就咪亂答~ 正確ans係: 1.within 2.put 3.if