
讀完大學,26歲的女人出來做?會不會好困難? 20分





我係應屆會考生,現在煩惱緊出路同埋前途嘅問題。 1,皆因我今年已經20歲,繼續升學的話,讀完大學都26歲啦。讀完大學,26歲的女人出來做嘢會不會好困難? 2,同埋,我又擔心讀大學只有學曆文憑而沒有工作經驗,我驚d公司吳肯請,可能仲要修讀埋職業訓練,如果係這樣的話,仲要浪費多一兩年的光陰啊 新聞都話依加周街都係大學生,失業率高企。 如果依加報讀ive學習職業技能係吳係可能仲有d用?文憑好?定工作能力重要? 3,我打算由理科轉成商科,有興趣讀市場學嘅我唸住讀ive的銷售及市場學文憑或高級文憑 ,會不會風險太大?各位ive的師兄師姐們和在商職前輩等等,唔該你地俾d意見啊~~!! 更新: 4,我成績一向不錯,一直以升大學為目標,但是真正想做的卻未想到,本來唸住升到大學先至算。後來呢幾天來我想了很多,認清了一個理想--就是做市場學專才,進軍內地市場,在職場上創一番事業。中國商業實務文憑和銷售及市場學高級文憑邊個較幫到我? 5,iveD高級文憑比文憑課程好? 6,三年制高級文憑(一年級)和四年制高級文憑課程(二年級)d分別 7,ive嘅知尊課程點解這樣昂貴? 邊個可以幫我俾的詳細意見和分析的話,真係不勝感激啊~~~!! 更新 2: 8,市場學前景好無?將會從事什麼工作和職位?


I'm a HR personnel handling our company's recruitment activities. To be honest, I don't think AGE is a critical factor when we are selecting some entry-level position, such as Trainee. As for a trainee, you are supposed to be TRAINED. So, without much working experience isn't really a matter. But of course, if you can have some part-time working experience / summer internship experience during your tertiery study life, it will surely be an advantage. Furthermore, I think as a recruiter, I do treasure about the applicant's attitude towards career. Even if your age is young/your academic result is perfect/you have good working experience but you have a bad attitude (not humble, arrogent, lay-back), I won't take you. OK? Hope you are more comfortable. 2007-07-03 10:16:28 補充: to me, i won't look down on IVE applicants. As long as they are suitable, i'll make an interview with them. Of course, the chance for me to take him/her? It depends on his/ her performance in the interview.


其實讀大學時可以做part time,咁咪有經驗囉|||||詳細分析就真係沒有la, 但想給你一d意見, 你自己都知成街都係大學生, 如你只是ive, 如何同人爭 ? 係就係可早d出來做野, 多d經驗, 但將來你會發覺, 去到manager level 的 job, 無個degree真係有d吾掂 (自己去 classifiedpost.com check check, click d marketing manager d post 來 research 一下la)

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