





如果去歐洲玩28日, 請問我o既行程順唔順阿?1.HK-->London 2. London 3.London-->Paris; 4.Paris 5. Paris-->Bern; 6.Bern-->Interlaken; 7.Interlaken 8. Interlaken--> Milan 9.Milan-->Venice 10.Venice 11.Venice-->Florence 12. Florence+Pisa 13.Florence-->Rome 14.Rome... 顯示更多 如果去歐洲玩28日, 請問我o既行程順唔順阿? 1.HK-->London 2. London 3.London-->Paris; 4.Paris 5. Paris-->Bern; 6.Bern-->Interlaken; 7.Interlaken 8. Interlaken--> Milan 9.Milan-->Venice 10.Venice 11.Venice-->Florence 12. Florence+Pisa 13.Florence-->Rome 14.Rome 15.Rome-->(plane)Barcelona 16-17.Barcelona 18. Barcelona--> Madrid 19.Madrid 20. Madrid-->(plane)Brussels21. Brussels--> Berlin 22-24. Berlin 25.Berlin-->Munich 26.Munich 27. Munich-->(plane)London-->HK (Thx) 更新: 但係因為我地有兩個人只留21日, 但想去法國, 德國佢地去唔到, 應該點算啊...


你的行程其實沒有問題, 但總好像要轉很多個彎... 我不知怎說, 如果改成這樣, 會否比較好?? Hong Kong -- London London London - Berlin (by air) Berlin Berlin Berlin - Munich (by rail 1st day) Munich Munich - Berne (by rail 2nd day) Berne - Luzern (by rail 3rd day) Luzern - Interlaken (by rail 4th day) Interlaken Interlaken - Milan (by rail 5th day) Milan - Venice (by rail 6th day) Venice Venice - Florence (by rail 7th day) Florence - Pisa - Florence (by rail 8th day) Florence - Rome (by rail 9th day) Rome Rome - Barcelona (by plane) Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona - Madrid (by rail 10th day) Madrid Madrid - Paris (by plane) Paris Paris - Bruxelles (by rail 11th day) Bruxelles - London (Eurostar) London - Hong Kong Hong Kong 我覺得這樣會順路一點, 另外我有小小建議 因 Luzern 就在 Interlaken 旁邊, 景色十分漂亮, 也有 "水塔花橋" 及 "垂死獅子像" 的名勝, 值得為她 "浪費" 一天. 而如果給我選擇, 我會放棄 Berne 而去 Luzern 的 Florence 和 Pisa一天遊. 我覺得可在遊畢 pisa 後, 不用回 Florence, 直接到 Roma, 雖然可能要在 Florence 轉車, 但會省回一天火車證時間 Hope it can help you... 2007-04-04 01:08:41 補充: 這也可以, 可考慮這樣改London - Bruxelles (by Eurostar) -- Paris (by Thalys) -- Madrid (by air) -- Barcelona -- Rome (by air) -- Florence and Pisa - Venice - Milan - Luzern and Interlaken - Berne -- Munich -- Berlin -- London (by air)你的朋友可於 Berne 之後離隊, 搭火車回蘇黎世乘飛機回倫敦就 ok 啦


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