選購 22吋 LCD mon
想換22吋 LCD mon, 有如下問題, 請各位指教 : 1. 22吋 mon一定要1680 x 1050 或以上嗎 ? 文書處理用1980 x 1280 會字型太細嗎 ? 2. 16:9 / 16:10 那個較適合文書處理 ? 3. 現時用的 mon 最高解像度只有1024 x 768, 是否我的顯示咭不支援 1680 x 1050 或更高解像度呢 ? 4. 要知道我的顯示咭可支援最高解像度, 那裡可以檢查呢 ? 唔該哂 !
1) 22 inch monitor is at good resolution and good size in 1680x1050 mode, the icon and character will be too small if 1980x1280 mode. This is my personal opinion. I use 22 inch monitor and 1680x1050 mode, I found it is very good. 2) 16:10 is slightly better because it fits 1680x1050 (1680x1050 is 16:10). 16:9 monitor is mainly for watching movie (my opinion only). 3) If your display card is AGP (not PCI-E) and it was bought few years ago, then most likely it does not support 1680x1050. But you should check the display card vendor web site to confirm. 4) you need to check the vendor web site to confirm.