
點算ar~ 公司要搞x'MAS PARTY





點算ar~ 公司要搞x'MAS PARTY 我新黎ga ~都唔知要準備d咩 ... 又要下 份report ~~~講下d detail 野~~請問各位指教下 更新: 而家已經定左野食,,,, 係欠 唔知點搞抽獎 同 有咩玩games 玩 1) count # of people ~~20 2) know the budget, DATE ~~23/12 3) choose location~~~ (公司已有 function room)~~ 4) order beverages, food, eating utensils ~~已訂 欠具餐 ... 因為唔知供應商會唔會比 更新 2: 5) create some games, prepare prizes (look for sponsors), lucky draw prizes 更新 3: 5) create some games, prepare prizes (look for sponsors), lucky draw prizes

Depends if it's casual or formal.. but basically the following: 1) count # of people 2) know the budget, DATE 3) choose location (maybe rent some function room) 4) order beverages, food, eating utensils 5) create some games, prepare prizes (look for sponsors), lucky draw prizes 6) decorations 7) hire a camera man, MC, server.. 8) create a rundown for the event 9) send out invitations 2006-12-15 14:58:31 補充: 3) great any coat check req'd? music? any DJ's to play some xmas carols??4)make a list.. forks, spoons, napkins, cups, dishes, etc 2006-12-15 14:59:23 補充: 5) if you have a really tight budget.. why don't u consider exchange prizes among the people? like set a budget.. for example $80~$100 per prize, so they can buy one of their own. 2006-12-15 14:59:50 補充: 7) camera man isnt THAT important cos i assume everyone has a digital camera.. but MC. you can be one yourself.. need someone to host.. or else the party would be v boring.. 2006-12-15 15:00:31 補充: 8) just a summary of how u wants things to run.. say for eg 3:00 start decorating, 4:00 pick up food 7:00 cocktail starts 7:00 buffet starts 7:30 first game (musical chairs) 8:00 singing contest 9:00 exchange presents 10:00 end of the party 2006-12-15 15:00:46 補充: 9) inform the guests about the location, time, what to wear(casual or formal), remind them to purchase their own prize of the exchange. RVSP make sure they'll let u know in advance if they'll show up or not


都係好似抽號碼咁,不過就將 D 號碼貼上禮物度,而另外 D 號碼就放入 D 氣球入面,再吹大 D 波,到交換禮物時間,就俾佢地自己抽個氣球,整爆個波0黎對號碼。 如果怕抽中自己個份,可以係預備時將 D 禮物或者氣球分組,例如︰男仕就藍呀、綠呀、黃呀個 D 顏色,而女仕就係紅呀、紫呀、橙呀一組顏色。 買副猜猜畫畫啦! 個玩法係類似大富翁,分幾隊人玩,其中要有一個人做公正人,玩法係行到0既格數度要由公正人抽張咭,對返格數上0既顏色,就有一個答案,如果答案度有三角形符號就幾隊人一齊玩,冇就抽個隊人玩,隊中0既其中一人去公正人度睇答案,之後唔可以出聲,只可以畫出0黎,不過就唔可以畫數字呀、字母呀咁!要其他隊員係限時內估中答案啦,畫畫個個係唔可以出聲話0岩定唔0岩,佢所有0野只可以用筆表達出0黎!其他唔同隊0既人可以睇答案同可以出口述誤導所有估緊0既人!不過如果係一齊玩0既就當然唔睇得答案啦!玩法同一隊人玩一樣,唔同在於要俾其他隊快估中! 係玩熟0左之後仲有難度加強遊戲0既難度同好玩度!

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