警司警戒 -給犯了法的未成年的人一個改過自新的機會,透過警司警戒可以不留案底,但會保留警司警戒的紀錄 問題: -會否助長未成年的人在成年前犯案,博取警司警戒而不留案底? -是否所有青少年都獲一次警司警戒的機會?如不是,甚麼情況/條件下會警司警戒? -如果曾獲警司警戒的機會,之後再犯罪,是否會判更重的刑罰? -假設有個雇主在招聘員工, 假設見工者A在過往犯過事(例如偷竊),但在應徵表上填寫沒有犯罪紀錄, 那麼見工者A有沒有說謊?(案底是否等同犯罪紀錄?) 雇主能否查出見工者A過往的紀錄?
1. No. It is a discretion exercised by the Superintendent (or above ranks). In other word, the police is not mandatory to offer such option. Also, it does not mean the police has to offer to suspects for the same crimes. 2. No. As explained by the police: http://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_tc/13_faqs/faq_cri.html#q2 3. No. It is similar to binding over. So if the person violates any law again, the police will charge the minor for the current crime, as well prior crimes not previously prosecuted. 4. Not necessary, if the offense is exempt from disclosure under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance. 5. Mostly not. Access to criminal record is currently restricted to HKSAR Government only.