
Micro MC





1995-8If the purchase of a flat through a property agent requires only the buyer to pay a commission,theA.the seller will benefit more from the exchangeB.the buyer will benefit more from the exchangeC.both the buyer and the seller would have gained more if they had not used a property agent.D.none of the... 顯示更多 1995-8 If the purchase of a flat through a property agent requires only the buyer to pay a commission,the A.the seller will benefit more from the exchange B.the buyer will benefit more from the exchange C.both the buyer and the seller would have gained more if they had not used a property agent. D.none of the above Can explain A to C for me?


可從以下方法搵marking scheme: 方法一: 你試下去小卒資源論壇: http://littlesoldier .net/board ,果度有好多 ce 同 al 的 past paper 小卒資源分享站資源網 網址: http://littlesoldier ftp.com 會考區: login name: ce password: 783092 高考區: login name: al password: 978962 其實係無一個網站可以下載past paper 因為past paper 的版權係考評局,考評局因為版權問題而唔整網站俾人下載past paper,邊一年同埋邊一科,past paper 都無得上網下載,所以係無可能下載到past paper 。 方法二: 你可以去書店買past paper,大型書局/書店(例如商務印書館)一定買到,不過貴, 方法三: 去二手書店買舊past paper 就平d, 方法四: 也可以去你學校 方法五: 仲可以去圖書館同埋公共圖書館借,不過就大把人同你爭,唔容易借到。 方法六: 考評局刊物可在下列的兩個辦事處購買,地點如下﹕(always have new past papers to sell) 1. &a mp;a mp;a mp;a mp;n bsp; 香港考試及評核局刊物組 香港九龍新蒲崗爵祿街17號 電話:(852)2329 6969 傳真:(852)2327 1237 電郵:pu@hkeaa.edu.hk 2. &a mp;a mp;a mp;a mp;n bsp; 香港考試及評核局灣仔辦事處 香港灣仔軒尼詩道130號 修頓中心12字樓 (只限於中學會考、高級程度會 考、教師語文能力評核及普通話水平測試) 電話:(852)2239 2723 傳真:(852)2572 9167 辨公時間 星期一至星期五:上午八時三十分至下午五時 星期六:上午九時至中午十二時 方法六: Also, 旺角漢榮書局 and 商務印書館佐敦圖書廣場 have new past papers to sell. you can buy them there in the coming Nov., not now since the book stores rarely have past papers for storage in summer holiday. ( I have phoned to these 2 book stores to ask them whether there was papers to sell)


For answer C C is incorrect because it is not certain that the exchange would have tanken place at all if the property agent had not been used . If exchange took place without a property agent , then it would requir the buyer and / or the seller to spend more time searching for another buyer or seller with whom to exchange . Since a property agent has specialized skills , it is likely that the total cost involved if agent had been used would be smaller than if he had not . For answer A Even if the buyer have to pay all the transaction cost to the property agent ,we still not know about the transaction unit to them , therefore ,both of them can gain or loss through the transaction is uncertain . In short , we cannot chose the answer being uncertain

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