我想寫一封郵件給展會主辦商,確定接受他們給我們的場地安排,以下是我的郵件內容,請大家幫忙翻譯,請多多指教: 場地位置可以。參加公司由“AAA”轉為“BBB”,公司資料請查看附件的參加表格。 還有,請問是否有這次活動的宣傳小冊子和海報可提供給我們?在活動期間是否有比賽和演講,詳情是怎樣?
(由於是寫給公司, 所以我的用字會較嚴謹和POLITE一D)Dear Sir/Madam, || 或直接寫(展會主辦商)如果你知道邊個會收你的EMAIL場地位置可以。參加公司由“AAA”轉為“BBB”,公司資料請查看附件的參加表格。 I am writing to confirm the arrangement of the venue. The venue of ___is acceptable. (最好寫埋咩活動的場地安排)Also, the joining company will change from AAAto BBB. Please find the information of BBB in the attachment (Enrolment Form). (Enrolment Form=參加/報名表格=Application Form 看你愛用哪個 ) 還有,請問是否有這次活動的宣傳小冊子和海報可提供給我們? In addition, I want to enquire whether you can provide the publicity brochure and posters of this activity to us.在活動期間是否有比賽和演講,詳情是怎樣?On the other hand, I want to understand if there include the competition and the lecture during the activity? Moreover, I would like to know the details of the competition and the lecture.Yours faithfully, ||(如果你係上面寫左你已知的收信人, 請你在這寫(Yours sincerely,))(YourName) 2012-04-17 17:19:54 補充: 我剛剛上網再查: 宣傳小冊子: publicity booklet 會比 publicity brochure 更好~! 2012-04-17 17:28:24 補充: participatory company 會比 joining company 更好