Super Junior K.R.Y
我想要Super Junior K.R.Y唱過的歌的歌名 另外也想要KYUHYUN獨唱過的歌名! PLS~中英對照 THS! 更新: tinyuichan: Sorry我是想要歌名。
Super Junior-K.R.Y於2006年9月成立,是由圭賢(Kyuhyun)、厲旭(Ryeowook)和藝聲(Yesung)組成的三人演唱組合。公司發現,這三個人有和其他成員不同的特殊的個性和相同的粉絲基礎.,而且他們的音樂風格也相同。他們因此組成三人組合表演特殊的歌曲以吸引年齡較大的聽眾。作為組合中聲音最好的成員, Super Junior-K.R.Y被設定為演唱R&B風的情歌。 Super Junior-K.R.Y的首次登臺是在2006年9月5日,KBS的《Music Bank》,表演了《The One I Love》 (韓文:? ????)[89] 他們參加了tvN電視劇《鬣狗》(韓文:????)的電視原聲帶的三首歌的錄製,包括主題曲。他們還參加了兩個額外的原聲帶錄製,分別是《??》(雪花)和《??? ? ??》(比利金看看我)。 和Super Junior的其他子組合不同, Super Junior-K.R.Y沒有官方出版的單曲或專輯,只參加合作專輯或電視原聲帶。[ Super Junior-K.R.Y, established in November 2006, is a trio formed by Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Yesung. The company discovered that these three members developed a particular personal and subsequent fan-base that was separate from the rest of the group, and how they also had similar musical qualities. They therefore grouped these three members together to perform particular songs to target a more mature audience. Being amongst the most vocally powerful members of the group, Super Junior-K.R.Y are credited to singing mournful, R&B-style ballads, a style that has proven very popular in recent years although stagnation in the style's development is causing it to lose its once fresh evocative power. Super Junior-K.R.Y's first official performance was on November 5, 2006 on KBS's Music Bank, performing "The One I Love (? ????)."[80] They have participated in the original soundtrack of the tvN drama Hyena with a total of three tracks, including the main theme. The trio also contributed tracks in two additional original soundtracks, one track in both the soundtracks of Snow Flower and Billy Jean Look at Me. Unlike Super Junior's other sub-units, Super Junior-K.R.Y has not officially released a single or album, and only participated in collaboration albums and original soundtracks. However, a new album is expected from K.R.Y in the future. 2010-02-24 17:15:22 補充: all songs name are included in the contents!